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How to Deploy Laravel and MVC Projects on Domcloud: Step-by-Step Guide

As you may know, there are guides that use the DomCloud service to deploy up to 3 projects for free. Additionally, DomCloud offers the option to upgrade your account to 6 projects for just $1.5 per month.

This guide assumes that you already have your project on GitHub. If you don't know how to do that, we recommend reviewing the following guides:

Deployment Process

1. Access DomCloud

Go to and create an account if you don't have one yet, by connecting with your GitHub or Google account.

2. Add a New Website

Once inside, click on the +Add a website button and then on "No, I want to start from scratch".

3. Configure the Project

A page will appear where you should delete the default content in the "features" section and paste one of the following scripts, depending on your project:

Script for Laravel

source: <YourRepository>
  - mysql
  - ssl
  - ssl always
  root: public_html/public
  fastcgi: on
    - match: /
      try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args
    - match: ~ \.[^\/]+(?<!\.php)$
      try_files: $uri =404
  - cp .env.example .env
  - sed -i "s/DB_HOST=" .env
  - sed -ri "s/DB_DATABASE=.*/DB_DATABASE=${DATABASE}/g" .env
  - sed -ri "s/DB_USERNAME=.*/DB_USERNAME=${USERNAME}/g" .env
  - sed -ri "s/DB_PASSWORD=.*/DB_PASSWORD=${PASSWORD}/g" .env
  - sed -ri "s/APP_URL=.*/APP_URL=http:\/\/${DOMAIN}/g" .env
  - composer install
  - php artisan migrate:fresh || true
  - php artisan key:generate
  - php artisan storage:link

Script for Laravel with Livewire v3.0

source: <YourRepository>
  - mysql
  - ssl
  - ssl always
  root: public_html/public
  fastcgi: on
    - match: /
      try_files: $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args
    - match: ~ \.[^\/]+(?<!\.php)$
      try_files: $uri =404
  - cp .env.example .env
  - sed -i "s/DB_HOST=" .env
  - sed -ri "s/DB_DATABASE=.*/DB_DATABASE=${DATABASE}/g" .env
  - sed -ri "s/DB_USERNAME=.*/DB_USERNAME=${USERNAME}/g" .env
  - sed -ri "s/DB_PASSWORD=.*/DB_PASSWORD=${PASSWORD}/g" .env
  - sed -ri "s/APP_URL=.*/APP_URL=http:\/\/${DOMAIN}/g" .env
  - composer install
  - php artisan migrate:fresh || true
  - php artisan key:generate
  - php artisan storage:link
  - php artisan livewire:publish
  - cp -r vendor/livewire/livewire/dist public/livewire

Replace <YourRepository> with the URL of your GitHub repository.

4. Configure the Username

In the "Username" section, enter the name you want to give your project. Keep in mind that this name will be unique and will be part of the URL to display your project.

5. Add the Website

Click on the "Add a Website" button to start the deployment process.

Additional Configuration

If your project is with Breeze for authentication or something with changes in your file .env, you will need to configure it, like an email service as Mailtrap or Brevo. To do this, access Webmin from the "Manage" tab in DomCloud, find the .env file, and edit the email variables with your credentials.

That's it! Your Laravel or PHP project should now be deployed and ready to use.

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